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Embedded Finance:

What is It?




The future of finance is already at your fingertips. Think about the times you’ve used your favorite ride-sharing app, and at the end of the ride, you seamlessly pay without ever pulling out your wallet or opening a separate app. Or when shopping online, being offered an option to split your payment into installments right at the checkout. 

These aren't just conveniences—they're real-life applications of embedded finance, transforming mundane transactions into smooth, almost invisible experiences. Every time you engage with these services, embedded finance is at work, effortlessly blending financial solutions into the digital platforms you use and trust every day.

Gone are the days of cumbersome, multi-step financial transactions that created barriers between consumers and the services they need. Embedded finance has unlocked a new world where accessing financial services is as easy as clicking a button directly within the platforms users already love and trust.

We’ll explain embedded finance and show how Runa is leading the charge by seamlessly integrating business-to-consumer payouts, rewards, and incentives into digital platforms, helping businesses innovate and stay ahead of the competition.


The basics of embedded finance

Embedded finance definition and significance

So, what exactly is embedded finance? It’s the integration of financial products and services directly into the digital experience of non-financial platforms, making transactions smooth, intuitive, and invisible to users. 

Think of it as having the powerful financial tools you need, exactly where and when you need them, without the hassle of switching between apps or websites. It’s all about convenience, simplicity, and enhancing user experience without disrupting their journey.

This innovation opens up new revenue opportunities for non-financial businesses by providing a seamless user experience that keeps customers engaged and reduces churn.

An image showing a diagram explaining embedded finance, illustrating how financial services are integrated into non-financial platforms.

Evolution of embedded finance

While the term “embedded finance” only emerged in the mid-2010s, the concept isn’t new. Over the decades, many non-financial companies have ventured into offering financial products that made life easier for their customers. 

Consider department stores like Sears and Macy’s, for example, which introduced closed-loop charge cards, allowing customers to purchase on credit and pay over time. Car rental companies like Hertz and Enterprise offered insurance right at the rental counter, adding convenience for travelers. Oil companies launched fuel cards to help businesses and consumers manage fuel expenses, and telecom companies offered prepaid phone cards for advance payment of services. 

These early innovations set the stage for today. With digital platforms and APIs breaking down traditional barriers, embedded finance is poised to shift how consumers and businesses engage with financial institutions rapidly. 

Take Runa, for example. Runa uses APIs to effortlessly embed financial services such as instant payouts, rewards, and incentives into various platforms. This enhances the user experience, opens new revenue streams, and reduces operational costs. 

Understanding this evolution is key for forward-thinking leaders. It highlights why offering integrated financial services is essential to meeting customer expectations and staying competitive.


Core components of embedded finance

To understand how embedded finance transforms user experiences, let’s explore the core components and how they interconnect to make this transformation possible.

1. Embedded finance provider

Embedded finance providers handle the heavy lifting of establishing the necessary partnerships with financial institutions and merchants, and they create APIs that allow companies to quickly integrate financial services like insurance, lending, and payouts. They then collaborate with non-financial companies to implement these embedded finance products and services, often getting them up and running within weeks or months—significantly faster than the years it would take to develop such capabilities in-house. 

2. API integration

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are the backbone of embedded finance. They allow different software systems to communicate, enabling non-financial platforms to integrate services like payments, lending, or insurance effortlessly. APIs serve as the bridge that connects embedded financial service providers with non-financial entities, making it easy for businesses to offer a wide range of financial solutions without building their own infrastructure from scratch.

3. Non-financial digital platform

Non-financial digital platforms are any digital business that aims to incorporate financial products into a primarily non-financial environment. These include e-commerce sites, SaaS platforms, and retail apps that create a non-financial digital product that requires extensive financial capabilities but opts not to develop them independently. By embedding financial products, these platforms offer a comprehensive solution that enhances convenience and user engagement.

Diagram showing the core components of embedded finance: financial institutions, embedded finance provider, non-financial digital platform, linked via API integration, with a sample digital platform interface.

Connecting the components

The synergy between fintech partners, API integration, and digital non-finance platforms is what makes embedded finance so transformative. Embedded finance providers develop products and services for digital non-financial platforms (their customers). APIs facilitate the integration of these services into the digital platforms. Finally, the digital platforms present these services to the end users seamlessly and flexibly.

By working together, these components create a cohesive system where advanced financial services can be easily accessed within non-financial contexts, leading to improved user experiences, increased engagement, and greater customer loyalty. This integrated approach allows businesses to offer comprehensive financial solutions, making transactions smoother, more efficient, and more personalized.


Strategic advantages of adopting embedded finance

Let's explore how these advantages play out for non-financial digital platforms and end-users.

Advantages for non-financial digital platforms

1. Diversified revenue streams

Integrating financial services opens up new revenue avenues. Platforms can generate additional income through transaction fees or interest rates by offering services like embedded lending or insurance. This diversification can significantly boost their financial performance.

2. Seamless user experience

Embedded finance solutions provide a seamless user experience. Customers can complete financial transactions without leaving the platform, which increases convenience and satisfaction. For instance, an e-commerce platform that offers embedded payments and credit options can streamline the shopping experience, making it more likely for customers to complete purchases and return in the future.

3. Increased customer satisfaction

Financial services like personalized products, real-time transactions, and integrated digital wallets make platforms more engaging. These features can lead to higher user retention and more frequent interactions, ultimately driving more value for your business.

4. Unique competitive differentiation

By implementing embedded finance, platforms can differentiate themselves from competitors. Offering unique financial services tailored to your user base provides added value that others may not offer, helping you attract new users and retain existing ones.

5. Improved operational efficiencies

Leveraging fintech partners' expertise and infrastructure reduces the need for in-house development of complex financial systems. This can lower operational costs and speed up the time-to-market for new financial products and services.

Diagram showing advantages of adopting embedded finance in your platform

Advantages for end-users

1. Improved convenience and accessibility

Embedded finance provides users with easy access to financial services directly within their favorite apps. This eliminates the need to switch between different applications or visit physical locations, making financial services more accessible and user-friendly.

2. Personalized financial solutions

By leveraging user data, embedded finance can offer personalized financial products. For example, tailored loan offers or customized insurance plans based on user behavior and preferences can significantly enhance the user experience.

3. Effortless transactions

Real-time processing of payments, loans, and other financial services provides users with a smoother and faster experience. This is particularly beneficial in scenarios like instant credit approval at checkout or quick insurance claims processing.

4. Increased trust and security

Robust data security measures and compliance with regulatory standards ensure that user information is protected. This builds trust among users, who can be confident that their financial transactions are secure and their personal data is safeguarded.

5. Enhanced financial management

Integrated financial services allow users to manage their finances more effectively within a single platform. Features like digital wallets, automated savings, and integrated budgeting tools provide a holistic view of financial activities, making tracking and controlling spending easier.

Visual representation of embedded finance benefits for end-users of non-financial digital platforms.


The future of embedded finance

Embedded finance is set to revolutionize industries beyond retail and banking. As technology integrates more deeply into daily life, new applications are emerging across sectors like automotive and healthcare, redefining traditional business models. Here are key trends to watch in the next wave of fintech.

Easy access to financial services will reshape consumer behaviors

Consumers have not returned to traditional banking in the same way since the pandemic-era lockdowns were lifted. According to Plaid, most Americans now use multiple apps to manage their finances. Embedded finance can accelerate the transformation of traditional banks from primary financial institutions to behind-the-scenes service providers. As more merchants offer their own financing options, such as credit cards or stored digital value, banks will need to adapt to meet shifting consumer demands.

The line between financial and non-financial businesses will blur

As embedded finance grows, the distinction between financial and non-financial businesses will continue to blur. Retailers and service providers will increasingly offer financial services, from loans to insurance, transforming them into comprehensive financial hubs for their customers. This trend also opens the door for cryptocurrencies to gain a foothold in mainstream consumer markets, making digital currencies more accessible and usable for everyday transactions.​ 

Runa’s role in embedded finance

Runa is leading this exciting revolution with innovative solutions that make embedded business-to-consumer payouts easy and effective. Runa's technology helps businesses integrate payouts into their platforms, boosting user satisfaction and engagement and leading to higher retention and loyalty. Businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors by offering instant payouts, rewards, and incentives directly on their platforms and drive long-term growth.

Ready to innovate and integrate embedded payouts seamlessly into your platform? Speak to one of our experts to learn more about our cutting-edge technology and start transforming your business.

Embrace the future of embedded payouts